CartoonistZACH: Purveyor of Truth and Change

Urrete, Ma. Angel Joan S. 

    In the book entitled 1984 by George Orwell, readers are taught to believe that readily-available information can be  tampered. The book’s main character Winston Smith, works in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth where he rewrites historical documents for it to align with the government’s principles (as for the book, it was led by a party named INGSOC, short for English Socialism). In this day and age, fake news are everywhere and since almost everyone has the capability to share his/her thoughts freely online, it is hard to determine which is which. But do not falter, for there are still a lot of people who stand by the truth and promulgate it.  

One of which goes by the name Cartoonist ZACH, who is a cartoonist, satirist, and illustrator.

He has a twitter, instagram and facebook account where he shares his point of view of the daily events happening in the Philippines with a corresponding editorial cartoon or comics. 

    But he is not just an artist for the present, his works, have a lot of potential to be considered part of world literature someday. One tweet that really convinced me of this notion is when he said, “For us artists, gaining or losing followers doesn’t matter. What matters are the people who we are able to persuade by the truth, most especially those whose beliefs were changed because of our works.” This statement set forth hope that there are still a lot of Filipinos who refuse to be under the ‘system,’ and want to guide their fellow kababayans (countrymen) to the right path.

    Back when there was no pandemic, I was ignorant of the ongoing current events, and government issues. I, myself have been enlightened by the artworks of Cartoonist ZACH, and I believe he has the power to do more, and to educate more people. Some of his notable pieces are shown below: 

    Now that we have the freedom to access information whenever, wherever, we must practice being critical with the news presented to us. Research follows implementation of major decisions and it all boils down to our capability of discerning truth from falsehood. 

    Through the creations of Cartoonist ZACH we were able to find relevance as it educates us to our country's current events. This trait is mentioned by T.S Eliot in his essay, “Tradition and the Individual Talent.” According to him, it is the poet’s task to transmute personal feelings into something more universal. The more mature the poet, the more his mind can synthesize various influences and emotions to produce something varied and complex. And with that regard, I believe he may soon be part of World Literature.

    To see more of his works, and for more information, Cartoonist ZACH can be found on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter with the handle, @cartoonistzach.  

VISIT Cartoonist ZACH Facebook Page here: Cartoonist ZACH Facebook Page

VISIT Cartoonist ZACH Twitter Page here: Cartoonist ZACH Twitter Page

VISIT Cartoonist ZACH Instagram Page here: Cartoonist ZACH Instagram Page


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